Created By Sean Piche


This system handles the game rounds with 4 total round states. The states are Round In Progress, Hiding State, Round Over, and Game Start.

Upon Round start all empty slots not taken up by PC players are filled up with AI that can be possessed by a joining player if they join midway through a round.

Game States

Game Started: This state only occurs before the first round has begun. Allows for waiting for all players that want to join the lobby to join before the first game.

Hiding State: This state allows only the VR player to move and find a hiding place before the PC players are able to move around the map. The length of time that the players can hide is specified by the variable “Hiding Time”.

Round In Progress: This state allows the PC players to search for the VR player. The length of a game round is handled by the variable “Round Length”. Once the round time has expired the game state moves onto the Round Over state.

Round Over: This state handles when either the VR players has been found or when the round time has expired, whichever comes first. When moving to this state the variable “Round Started” is set to false which prevents the PC players from being able to move. After a short delay this state moves onto the Hiding State.


Custom Events

How To Use